
Ta ställning-musik

Idag fick jag min beställning från CDON.com, med bland annat Dixie Chicks' Taking the long way [2006] som jag har fått upp ögonen för efter deras uttalande efter invasionen av Irak. Det var väl valda ord som rörde om riktigt rejält i den reaktionära grytan i södra USA. De sa att de skämdes över att George Bush kom från Texas, och efter det blev man bojkottade av många amerikanska radiostationer och fick motta dödshot vilket i sin tur fick dem att skriva låten Not ready to make nice, som visar att de inte tänker hålla käften och vara söta snälla countryflickor som bara sjunger. Jag hittade en blogg som är väldigt tydlig med att det är just det som anti-patrioter i USA borde göra: blunda och hålla käften.

Not ready to make nice
Forgive, sounds good * Forget, I'm not sure I could * They say time heals eveything * But I'm still waiting * I'm through with doubt * There's nothing left for me to figure out * I've paid a price * And I'll keep paying * I'm not ready to make nice * I'm not ready to back down *I'm still mad as hell and * I don't have time to go round and round and round * It's too late to make it right *I probably wouldn't if I could * 'Cause I'm mad as hell * Can't bring myself to do what it is you think I should * I know you said * Can't you just get over it * It turned my whole world around * And I kind of like it * I made my bed and I sleep like a baby * With no regrets and I don't mind sayin' it's a sad sad story when a mother teach her * Daughter she ought to hate a perfect stranger * And how in the world can the words that I say * Send somebody so over the edge * That they'd write me a letter * Sayin' that I better shut up and sing * Or my life will be over * I'm not ready to make nice * I'm not ready to back down * I'm still mad as hell and * I don't have time to go round and round and round * It's too late to make it right *I probably wouldn't if I could * 'Cause I'm mad as hell * Can't bring myself to do what it is you think I should * * I'm not ready to back down *I'm still mad as hell and * I don't have time to go round and round and round * It's too late to make it right *I probably wouldn't if I could * 'Cause I'm mad as hell * Can't bring myself to do what it is you think I should * Forgive, sounds good * Forgive, I'm not sure I could * They say time heals everything * But I'm still waiting